Monday, January 5, 2009

Trying Very Hard...

For those folks who happened to pass by my blog, I am extremely sorry that it looks kinda miserable!! I am trying very hard to come up something exciting!!! 

You must be thinking... what is this blog of mine about..
For the past few weeks, i have been reading tons of blogs on crafts and sewing!!! These triggered the creative juice in me and decided to jump onto the wagon with these creative people!! 

To be honest, i don't even know how to sew or use a sewing machine!!! I even hated sewing when i was younger!!! Guess what!!! I went out and bought myself a sewing machine, tons of fabrics, buttons, ribbons and who knows what!!! Now what i have to do is to think of what i am going to do with my fabrics!!! Any suggestions??


  1. What a cool thing to do; go and get the whole kit and caboodle and then teach yourself!!! If you can't do some sewing classes check out you tube. There are some really helpful tutorials. I am a bit rubbish at embroidery, and couldn't remember how to do some stitches but there were loads of tutorials. You can probably teach yourself to do anything. Apparently brain surgery pays well, so Im off to check it out. (haha!!) I'll follow your blog and see how you are doing, from down here in NZ...

  2. oh wow - that is so cool! You'll get hooked!

    So, for this Fat Quarter swap, could you email me katyejones at hotmail dot com, and I will get people paired up!

  3. Hi! How about a meetup?? Katy thought that we might get along seeing we are in the same neck of the woods so to speak. I am in Geylang East!! Would be lovely to meetup regularly with a fellow crafter with little people in their life!! You can find me at

    I am in Japan at the moment but back on Monday. Love to meet you soon.

  4. Welcome to crafty blogland I think you will soon be hooked I think meeting up with annayama would be good I have been on her blog she seems lovely just start small & simple perhaphs just sewimg some squares together to learn how to use your machine ... sewing classes are good so check out where you brought your machine from ..good luck I will check back to see your progress..


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